Bình Phước, Vietnam Weather
Current: 24.09°C/75.36°F, Wind SW at 25.38 km/h, 99% Humidity, 49% Chance of rain
- Bình Phước, Vietnam Weather
- Current conditions
- Weather forecast
- Averages and extremes
- Yesterday's Data
- Temperature and possibility of rain in Bình Phước over the next 12 hours
- Temperature and possibility of rain in Bình Phước in the coming days
- Rainfall in Bình Phước in the coming days
- Bình Phước Weather Summary
- Weather averages by month
- Bình Phước's weather
- Frequently asked questions
- Comments
Current conditions
Condition: Overcast Clouds
Pressure: 1,006 hPa
Sea level: 1,006 hPa
Temperature: 25.14°C
Cloud: 100%
Humidity: 99%
Wind: SSE 8.68 km/h
Visibility: 10,000 m
30 Day Averages and Extremes
- Average high 28.43°C
- Average low 24.18°C
- Hottest day (30 September 2024) 30.51°C
- Coldest day (10 October 2024) 23.74°C
- Average humidity 86.53%
- Days with precipitation 16 days
- Highest precipitation 50.88 mm (19 September 2024)
Yesterday's Data
- Max: 25°C
- Min: 23°C
- Total Precipitation: 27.28 mm
Temperature and possibility of rain in Bình Phước over the next 12 hours
Temperature and possibility of rain in Bình Phước in the coming days
Rainfall in Bình Phước in the coming days
Bình Phước Climate Summary
Bình Phước features a Tropical wet and dry or savanna (Köppen classification: Aw), with an average annual temperature of 29.43ºC (84.97ºF), which is about 3.18% higher than the national average for Vietnam. Annually, the city experiences approximately 108.6 millimeters (4.28 inches) of rainfall, spread across 192.92 rainy days, accounting for 52.85% of the year.
Longitude | 11.7511894 |
Latitude | 106.7234639 |
Yearly high temperature | 32.56ºC (90.61ºF) |
Yearly low temperature | 24.72ºC (76.5ºF) |
Hottest month | March 35.28ºC (95.5ºF) |
Coldest month | October 24.35ºC (75.83ºF) |
Yearly precip | 108.6mm (4.28in) |
Days with rainfall | 192.92 days (52.85%) |
Driest month | February (60.91%) |
Wettest month | September (81.73%) |
Weather averages by month
Month | High / Low (°C) | Rain |
January | 32.05° / 23.05° | 5.0 days |
February | 33.92° / 23.32° | 2.09 days |
March | 35.28° / 25.01° | 4.36 days |
April | 35.27° / 26.43° | 11.64 days |
May | 34.36° / 27.07° | 23.36 days |
June | 32.13° / 25.65° | 25.55 days |
July | 31.3° / 24.91° | 23.45 days |
August | 31.63° / 25.04° | 23.55 days |
September | 31.24° / 24.82° | 25.55 days |
October | 31.13° / 24.35° | 24.55 days |
November | 31.33° / 23.91° | 15.0 days |
December | 31.04° / 23.14° | 8.82 days |
Bình Phước's weather
- Hon Quan
- An Binh
- Ap Bai Bang
- Ap Bau Long
- Ap Bu Thanh
- Ap Chua Hoa
- Ap Ho Da
- Ap Kalali
- Ap Loc Khe
- Ap Luoc Ma
- Ap Phu Hung
- Ap Phuoc Loc
- Ap Phuoc Son
- Ap Soc Soan
- Ap Srok Rang
- Ap Tau O
- Ap Thuan Hoa
- Ap Xom Bung
- Binh Tri
- Bou Koh
- Bu Boun Ya
- Dia Diem Bunard
- Loc Ninh
- An Linh
- Ap An Phu
- Ap Ba Bang
- Ap Bai Yen
- Ap Bau Cam
- Ap Be Moi
- Ap Binh Lan
- Ap Binh Phu
- Ap Canle
- Ap Chang Hai
- Ap Dong Long
- Ap Dong Tau
- Ap Ham Da
- Ap Hung Phat
- Ap Hung Yen
- Ap Huong Thanh
- Ap Lang Ba
- Ap Lo O
- Ap Loc Thanh
- Ap Loi An
- Ap Long Be
- Ap N'houar
- Ap Nha Noi
- Ap Ninh Thanh
- Ap Phom Mit
- Ap Phu Lo
- Ap Phu Mieng
- Ap Phum Lu
- Ap Phuoc Qua A
- Ap Phuoc Qua B
- Ap Phuoc Thinh
- Ap Ruong
- Ap Soai Kong
- Ap Soc Tranh
- Ap Soc Xiem
- Ap Ta Thiet Krom
- Ap Tan Lap Phu
- Ap Tan Loi
- Ap Thanh Vinh
- Ap Thien Phat
- Ap Tra Thanh
- Ap Tuk Chat
- Ap Van Hien
- Ba Ra
- Ba Yu M'peul
- Bo Duc
- Bon Bu Krong Kong
- Bon Guil
- Bounhat
- Bro Lam Peh
- Bu Ban
- Bu Blim
- Bu Bolon
- Bu Brieng
- Cu Xa Cong Chuc
- Dang Boa
- Dong Phu
- Dong Xoai
- Duc Phong
- Phuoc Binh
- Phuoc Hoa
Frequently asked questions
1. What is the hottest month in Bình Phước?
March has the highest average monthly temperature (daily mean of 35.28ºC) and October are the coolest (daily mean of 24.35ºC).
2. What should I wear in Bình Phước today?
For today's very hot weather in Bình Phước, with the high temperatures above 25ºC (77.0ºF), consider wearing:
- Breathable shorts or skirts
- Sunscreen for skin protection
- Open-toed sandals or light sneakers
- Loose and airy fabrics like linen or cotton
Comments (0)
- Latest first
- Highest rated
Air quality
Acceptable air quality, some pollutants present, minor health concerns for sensitive individuals
- CO 534.06
- NH3 2.06
- NO 0.02
- NO2 7.03
- O3 7.06
- PM10 12.19
- PM25 10.83
- SO2 0.71